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About Ian Scott

A short biography of Ian Scott

About Me

Contrary to popular opinion, internet loving physicists do have something approaching a normal life. I'm a passionate follower of Newcastle United football club, as I have been since birth my 1977 birth (born on a Friday my mother put the headphones in my cot the next day so I could listen to the hospital radio commentary of the game. Unfortunately we lost 4-2 at Derby). It's a pity my utter lack of talent for actually playing the game prevented me living the dream of a number 9 toon shirt.

I lived in Gateshead and Newcastle until I finally buggered off to York in 2000. I think the whole childhood thing is probably fairly boring to read about. I spent the first formative years at Brighton Avenue Primary and Junior School (there is no road called Brighton Avenue, something it took me ages to explain). When I left, they knocked it down (though they did put up a new building to replace it). On to Hillhead Junior High School, supposedly for three years. After two they decided to knock it down (this time they didn't build a replacement, just some houses). So Kingsmeadow Comprehensive came, which confusingly they haven't as yet knocked down, though they do now seem to be rebuilding. I sat and passed GCSEs in more things than it's worth mentioning, before going to Gateshead College to do A-levels (back when they there was no sixth form. Also back before the whole AS-Level idea). A-Levels over, I went onwards to a degree in my native city (in retrospect that's a curse and a blessing. I had free home cooking on my doorstep but then I had home on my doorstep). A four year MPhys degree in Physics and suddenly I didn't know what to do. I spent a year improving my programming skills and looking for a job, nearly going to work for DERA before a last minute change of plan brought me to the University of York, where where I tried to do research and played around on the web a lot. While there I spent some time living with a very nice cat (who's now in Gateshead) and a still friends girl (who's still in York). Now, after a bit of a break, I'm down in Croydon (working in London in building service engineering), while a very nice girl is still in Gateshead (damn it). Up and down the east coast I go. See, all relatively boring stuff.

The biggest influence during those thirty-odd years was probably my mother. It is her fault I know bizarre things about Egyptian mythology, read Terry Pratchett (and indeed anything at all), have a rather very black sense of humour interspersed with a love of Monty Python and generally act in the strange ways I do. It's Rachel's fault that I know who Buffalo Tom are and watch The League of Gentlemen and Black Books. It's Janet's fault that I've spent a lot of time on trains, and laugh quite a lot. It's Pepe's fault that I've become rather good at finding mice hiding under shoes.


This Crazy Fool

Dr Ian Scott
Croydon (and Gateshead), United Kingdom
Bullding Services Engineer (EngDesign), PhD in Physics (University of York), football fanatic (Newcastle United), open source enthusiast (mainly Mozilla)

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