Because I forget stuff. Part of
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Originally posted July 22 2004 at 18:07 under Physics. 0 Comments. Trackbacks Disabled.
Certain people have suggested that I keep them more informed about how my thesis writing is going via this blog. Alright then ;-) At the moment I’m working on the “experimental” chapter. This morning (and some of yesterday) I drew some pretty diagrams—namely a schematic of the MEIS beam line, a schematic of the TEA and a schematic of the priciple of STM. Actually, when I say I drew the TEA picture, that’s half untrue. My artistic talent didn’t stretch to drawing something curvy in the right sort of proportion so I had Rachel draw it for me (she being the talented arty one). Then I traced over it using a graphics tablet to get a digital version. A smoothing out of the lines and the end result wasn’t bad at all.
After I’d merrily had fun drawing pictures I spent quite some time trying to find the only working photocopier in the library (actually that’s an exaggeration—there are two, but some arts student was using the first one I found). Then I came into the office to collect a lot of papers, books and other miscellaneous junk. I’ve been sorting it out since, but I’m stopping now to write this blog, go out to dinner and watch Spiderman 2.
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