Because I forget stuff. Part of
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Originally posted March 17 2005 at 15:03 (which was St. Patrick's Day) under Physics. 0 Comments. Trackbacks Disabled.
Having got the “corrections to corrections” for the thesis back from Sarah yesterday I’m working my way through them. I’m pleased to say they aren’t nearly as bad as it first appeared (Sarah did tell me that when she passed me pages covered in red, but it’s good to have realised it’s true). I managed most of the trivial stuff last night while watching the football, so it’s almost all just writing left to do. Unfortunately the words don’t really want to flow. I think I’m now so full of what I’ve already written that I can’t bring myself to produce sentences more. This post, for instance, came an awful lot easier.
Ah well, must force them out. Very final stretch now.
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