It’s been a while since I listed the extensions I have installed in Firefox. So, because I feel like it, here’s the big list. I’ve included a quick (not thought about too much) double rating, both parts on the scale of 1 to 5. The first gives how cool I think the extension is, the second how often I find that extension useful (in the form coolness:usefulness). I’ve also emphasised those I probably would always wasn’t installed at a minimum:
- Adblock (5:4)
- Filters ads from web-pages
- Advanced Search Sidebar (4:2)
- Enjoy searching through multiple search engines with one query, sorting the results and having results conveniently listed in the sidebar again.
- All-In-One Search button (4:3)
- Two search tools in one button for the searchbox
- Autofill (3:1)
- Automatically fill out HTML forms
- AutoForm (4:3)
- A tool for automatic form filling
- Basics (2:5)
- Adds a new tab button on the tab bar.
- Bloglines Toolkit (3:5)
- Browser utilities for use with Bloglines
- BugMeNot (5:2)
- Bypass compulsory web registration with the context menu via
- BX (3:3)
- Close or open all folders of the bookmarks
- Calculator (2:1)
- A calculator with advanced features. Installed in the tools menu.
- Checky (4:2)
- Easy to use interface to many free and commercial online validation and analysis services. Validate and analyse HTML, XHTML, CSS, RDF, RSS, XML, WAI, Section 508, P3P, hyperlinks, metadata and many more. Adds a context and tools menu.
- ChromEdit (5:3)
- A Simple User Profile File Editor
- ColorZilla (3:2)
- Advanced Eyedropper, ColorPicker, Page Zoomer and other colorful goodies.
- Context Search (4:3)
- Expands the context menu’s ‘Web Search’ to use Mycroft Search Plugins.
- Customizable Toolbar Buttons (2:1)
- Dedicated To Extension Geeks.
- (3:2)
- is a social bookmarks manager. It allows you to easily add sites you like to your personal collection of links, to categorize those sites with keywords, and to share your collection not only between your own browsers and machines, but also with others.
- Delicious Delicacies (4:1)
- Restores our favorite placeholder text.
- DerBrowserTimer (4:5)
- Timer/Clock/Alarm add-on for Mozilla FireFox.
- Digger (5:5)
- Dig through URLs from Go button’s context menu
- Download Statusbar (5:1)
- View downloads in an auto-hide statusbar.
- Duplicate Tab (4:3)
- Allows you to duplicate a tab, or to merge the windows.
- EMbuttons (3:3)
- Buttons to invoke the Extension and Theme Managers.
- Enhanced Bookmark Search (4:3)
- Flexible Bookmark Search
- Enhanced History Manager (4:3)
- Flexible History Management
- Ext2Abc (3:2)
- Alphabetizes your extension manager list.
- External Application Buttons (5:5)
- This extension enables you to create a application launcher button on the toolbars.
- Fangs Screen Reader Emulator (3:1)
- Renders a text version of a web page similar to screen reader output.
- Favicon Picker (2:1)
- This extension adds UI for replacing bookmark icons.
- fireFTP (3:1)
- FTP client for Mozilla Firefox.
- Flat Bookmark Editing (5:5)
- Edit bookmarks in the bookmark manager, without opening the properties window.
- FoxyTunes (5:3)
- Control any media player from Firefox and more…
- FxIF (3:1)
- View EXIF data in image properties
- Go Up (5:5)
- Easily navigate ‘up’ a level in a Web site
- Greasemonkey (5:5)
- A User Script Manager for Firefox
- Hide Searchbar (4:1)
- This extension allows you to hide or show the search bar when Ctrl+Shift+S is pressed.
- Hit-a-Hint (3:1)
- Click links by hitting hints!
- InfoLister (4:2)
- Lists vital development information about Firefox (helped produce this list!)
- JabberZilla (4:3)
- Jabber IM Client for Mozilla.
- JavaScript Console SideBar (3:2)
- Shows the JavaScript Console in the SideBar.
- JavaScript Debugger (4:2)
- Debug javascript
- keyconfig (4:3)
- Rebind your keys.
- Launchy (5:5)
- Open links and mailto’s with external applications like Internet Explorer, Netscape, Opera, Outlook etc
- Link Toolbar (4:3)
- A site navigation toolbar
- Linky (3:2)
- Open/download/validate links and pictures in tabs or windows
- LiveLines (4:4)
- Add RSS feeds to Bloglines or Sage with the RSS icon on the status bar.
- MiniT (5:5)
- Adds a few tab related functions
- OpenBook (4:5)
- Allows for customization of the Add Bookmark dialog
- Outliner (2:1)
- Adds a sidebar that displays an outline structure of the current document. Open the sidebar from View - Sidebars - Document Outline.
- Pithy (3:4)
- Restores the page-info shortcut ([Alt]+[P]).
- Popup ALT Attribute (3:4)
- Popups alternate texts of images or others like NetscapeCommunicator(Navigator) 4.x.
- PrefBar (5:3)
- A toolbar for quickly accessing and changing common preferences, run scripts and many more…
- QuickNote (4:3)
- A note taking extension with advanced features
- Quick Templates (4:2)
- Quick templates for text area
- RadialContext (4:5)
- Replaces the standard context menu with a radial one.
- ReloadEvery (3:2)
- Reloads webpages every so many seconds or minutes
- Resizeable Textarea (4:3)
- Resize textareas to your needs.
- ScrapBook (4:2)
- This extension helps you to save Web pages and easily manage collections.
- SearchBox AutoUpdater (3:3)
- Autoupdate the searchbox content
- SessionSaver (5:4)
- Magically restores your last browser session
- Show Failed URL (3:3)
- Displays failed URLs in the Location Bar when XUL error pages are enabled.
- Single Window (4:3)
- Single window mode for Firefox and Mozilla.
- Small Screen Renderer (3:1)
- Turn your Firefox into a cellphone browser. See View menu.
- SpellBound (5:4)
- Composer Spell Checker ported to Firefox
- SurfBook (2:1)
- Organize in chapters the session history.
- Tab Clicking Options (5:4)
- Select actions for clicking events on a tab or the tabbar
- Tabbrowser Preferences (5:4)
- Enhances control over some aspects of tabbed browsing.
- TargetAlert (4:3)
- Provides visual cues for the destinations of hyperlinks.
- Text Link (3:3)
- Allows URI texts written in webpages to be loaded by double clicks.
- Things They Left Out (3:3)
- All the things an Options panel shouldn’t be
- Translate (3:2)
- Translate web pages and/or selected text to different languages
- Translate Page (3:2)
- Adds a Translate Page option to the Tools menu.
- undoclosetab (5:4)
- Adds Undo Close Tab.
- URI id (5:5)
- Allow use of page-/site-specific userContent.css.
- User Agent Switcher (4:2)
- Adds a menu and a toolbar button to switch the user agent of the browser.
- WeatherFox (4:3)
- Get the weather in any toolbar or statusbar!
- Web Developer (5:5)
- Adds a menu and a toolbar with various web developer tools.