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Originally posted April 27 2005 at 15:04 under General. 1 Comment. Trackbacks Disabled.
If your a call centre and have to put people on hold while they wait to reach “the right department” (indiscernible to the costumer from the last department) then you should really warn them if they might have to hold for, say, over half an hour. Especially if there’s not even a nice occasional message saying “please hold”. Especially if you’re going to play them jazz (there must be a rule in call centre design somewhere which states jazz is too unstructured to actually offend anybody. I hate jazz). What you really, really shouldn’t do though is have you music set up to be a poor quality recording of a live jazz performance, which has long periods of silence and near silence (have they answered? Have I been cut off? No, just a pause); and then answer with no warning, no ringing sound, just a demand to know who you are. Ahhhhhhh.
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HSBC are particulary offenders on this score as well. You’d think that a company that made umpty-nine billion dollars last year could afford a piece of hold music that’s more than thirty seconds long…
I don’t really think there is a piece of music that I would /like/ to listen through a telephone while I wait for HSBC to get their lives sorted out. :-(
Made by Ed on Apr 28, 2005 at 09:48