Because I forget stuff. Part of
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Originally posted July 21 2005 at 18:07 under Computing. 0 Comments. Trackbacks Disabled.
So the laptop fell over. Turns out it’s not getting back up. Apart from the still unresolved upgrade issues, it seems to have developed a habit of running crazily hot. That means that before the chance to do anything recovery wise happens it shuts down. Not good.
Much kudos to Ed for helping me, initially in an attempt to get the thing running, then in rescuing what was needed from the drive. Further kudos will arrive when he helps me hash together the mess of a system being built as a replacement (maybe a linux box, maybe XP, maybe dual boot).
For now I’m sharing the one box with Rachel, which isn’t good. I’ve just about got everything I currently want on it from backup though, which is something. Remember, always backup…
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