Because I forget stuff. Part of
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Originally posted November 6 2005 at 21:11 under General. 0 Comments. Trackbacks Disabled.
Those not of this country should consult something about Guy Fawkes or this makes no sense! Having reluctantly escaped York at least there’s no conflict in burning Guys one night of the year. Some of my earliest childhood memories are going to watch the fireworks at the park. I was never scared of the bangs, only of the idea the fireworks were going to fall on my head!
This year i invited Rachel to come watch. Somewhat to my surprise she said yes. We had fun. Things seem much changed since I was young. Numerous flood lights illuminated the area; quite organised stands were selling hotdogs and the like (no room for some bloke in a van). Music blared out (quite annoyingly it continued to do so during the display, despite baring no relation to what was going on). There wasn’t a tank-plane battle (each year there would be the shape of a tank and plane lit up in something not resembling a Catherine Wheel. Slowly the lights would fade to the sound of bangs as they “shot” each other. I always supported the tank, which normally won).
The display wasn’t overly spectacular, but adequate. Despite rumours sparklers had been banned there were plenty on display, including multicoloured versions. The finale was somewhat an anti-climax. I really did say “was that it”. I recall when there were a rising sequence of bangs and booms.
The fun continued in the pub on Saltwell Road (who’s name I’ve managed to forget) followed by one on Bensham Bank. There we broke a religion by leaving a “lock in” due to being so tired.
Today there are still fireworks going off, which is somewhat annoying. At least we had fun. More photos can be had, captured using my mother’s Nikon Coolpix 5600 on Fireworks setting.
More:Photographs now available in the new photograph gallery
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