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Because I forget stuff. Part of norcimo.com
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Originally posted December 16 2005 at 22:12 under Web. 0 Comments. Trackbacks Disabled. Last modified: 24 March 2006 at 01:01
Anybody looking at my main site (OK, so that’s rare but hey) will notice the main menu now has a link to the previously mentioned photograph albums. In doing that I played around with the album search and discovered that, basically, it’s not working…I’ve no idea why. It was working when I set the whole Gallery install up and hacked around with it but since then something seems to have broken (to the point where the script core dumps). For now I’ve removed the search boxes and links until I have a chance to have a proper look. The best bit is though, I tried turning on debugging to see what was happening. With debugging turned on, everything works fine. Ahhhhh!
Update: Still don’t actually know what was going on but it seems the breakage was due to having flipped the switch on Dreamhost to move up to PHP 5. I can’t remember why I did that, so I’ve just reverted to PHP 4 which has fixed the problem (of course if I remember why I’d upgraded I might find something else is broken but for now). Search has been reinstated. Woo!
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