Because I forget stuff. Part of
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Posts made in February 2006
Posted into:
on February 28 2006 at 23:02
Ahh the web. Swiftly clicking from one easy source of information to the next. Until your brought grinding to a halt. Now I know this very site probably isn’t the greatest guide to usability but I do my best and I like to believe that I at least give it some thought. Which makes me wonder why others sometimes appear to have left common sense somewhere out of reach.
Posted into:
on February 23 2006 at 20:02
Thought I’d quickly post here, given that anybody who cares is probably also reading this. The hacked up gallery install handling my photographs albums got an upgrade. Part of this means the RSS feed has changed. I really can’t be bothered working out how to redirect the old address either but the new feed is, which is at least a lot easier on the eye, should anyone care.
Posted into:
on February 20 2006 at 23:02
So it looks like various rumours are wrong and there is no announcement that Martin O’Neill (or anyone else) is taking over the reins. Which gives me the opportunity to add my thoughts of the managerial candidates to be lost…
Posted into:
on February 20 2006 at 22:02
Our only chance of silverware this season now involves beating Chelsea. Oh buggery. Typical!…
Posted into:
on February 14 2006 at 23:02
I’ve been thinking a personal blog should probably say something today (check the date). This is about the third or fourth drafting of a possibility. And in the end I’ve decided all those words I might have written can stay that way. Those who count know all the things I’d say anyway. By complete coincidence between writing this version and hitting publish I rediscovered this post. Funny how things written back then can sound so true in this context too; so I suppose they can be almost the words I say.
I still believe this. I miss my cat.
Note that comments/trackbacks are very deliberately closed
Posted into:
on February 14 2006 at 22:02
Hmm, from a just held instant message conversation with Ed
(22:47:04) Ed: Excepting dodgy kernels and shot motherboards, everything’s fine…
(22:47:06) Ed logged out.
Oh no, everything’s not fine!!! Ed, if you’re computer hasn’t imploded, speak to us!
Alright, so a couple of lines earlier he’d said he was off to bed; the ending still amused me though
Posted into:
on February 13 2006 at 17:02
Prompted by a Slashdot article I got to thinking about the idea of the BBC (and government—their attempts to divorce state sanctioned television from the state has never been entirely convincing to me but that’s another matter) taxing computers. This isn’t particularly new news; this stupid idea has been floating around for quite a while now. But then I realised that maybe the BBC haven’t realised what they’re dealing with.
Posted into:
on February 12 2006 at 16:02
See your age in Amazing Planets Time!!
Gain extra birthdays — Earn more Presents!!!
The amazing Age on Other Worlds!!!!
Only because I remember actually noticing when my second Jupiter birthday went by…
Posted into:
on February 6 2006 at 16:02
Channel 4 have just launched a new comedy series called The IT Crowd. Given that Graham Linehan (Father Ted, Black Books) is involved it might be worth a look. Anyway, yesterday Rachel reminded me about it and asked if I’d seen the first episode. Of course due to having goldfish like memory I hadn’t. But no problem I thought; in a vaguely innovative move Channel 4 are actually releasing the episodes on the web a week before they’re shown. Simple then; just go grab whatever I’ve missed on their site. Urm, except you can’t. It seems that they take them down again at some (indetermined) time. Why? They’ve put them out there like that so leave them up. This just makes there whole “innovative” decision look silly, especially when a major part of their target market is probably more tech savvy than average. Bahhh.
Hint, in situations like this BitTorrent is your friend ;-)
Posted into:
on February 2 2006 at 18:02
Anybody doubting the sacking of Souness (and I haven’t seen any yet) should take a look at the table below. published some stats on the performance of the last few managers. Discounting caretakers who only had one or two…
Posted into:
on February 2 2006 at 12:02
He’s gone :-D Thank fuck for that, he was doing nothing but leading us to relegation. Of course it is typical of Newcaslte United to remove the manager just after the close of the transfer window rather than acting swiftly…
Posted into:
on February 2 2006 at 00:02
The photograph albums have had a slight upgrade. There’s now a page showing the most recent photographs and also a link to a sort of hand selected “best of” which have been uploaded to Flickr. Isn’t that fun…
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