Because I forget stuff. Part of
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Originally posted June 23 2007 at 15:06 under Computing. 0 Comments. Trackbacks Disabled.
The continuing saga of my laptop failing. It seems the problem is pretty much the battery. Remove the battery and everything is fine (Kubuntu boots happily, Windows works); put the battery in and things fail in nasty ways. This makes some sense, given the fact windows would work in safe mode, where it’s presumably not loading up most of the power management stuff.
So, it’s either the battery itself (which wouldn’t be greatly surprising given that it’s seems basically broken—things only really worked very briefly when not plugged into mains—or it’s the control electronicy bit (technical term) for the battery. Of course I probably should have replaced the battery a while ago when it stopped being of any actual use, so if its the battery itself a new one fixes all problems (well, other than losing sticky feet, temperamental DVD drive and vertical green lines). If it’s the latter possibility then one is left with another useless battery, though at least things do work without the battery present. Damn, does this mean I don’t have a good excuse for shiny new toys again?
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