Because I forget stuff. Part of
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Originally posted September 30 2007 at 21:09 under Web. 0 Comments. Trackbacks Disabled.
According to Google Reader I’m currently subscribed to 162 different feeds. That figure comes after I’ve just pruned away at the subscriptions because there was basically no way i could keep up—anything not updated in a while, on second thoughts uninteresting, or simply too high volume has gone). 162 doesn’t sound a lot but it’s still probably too many; I’ll have to keep trimming as I notice which ones are actually never getting read. If you really like you can get a glimpse into this stream of information (well, most of it), by looking at my shared blogrolled page (actually called Blogrolled because I had hoped to be able to get out a simple list of site URLs, but that doesn’t seem possible at first glance).
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