Because I forget stuff. Part of
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Posts made in June 2010
Posted into:
on June 5 2010 at 20:06
There’s a fun fair in the park up the road at the moment. Janet and I have been to investigate on a couple of nights. Apart from having goldfish in plastic bags, which everyone I’ve spoken too seemed to think was banned, they have a few rides. Janet made me go on a waltzer, which got me bored and hurt my back (I really don’t do rides). She went on a few more though, so at least she enjoyed herself.
Can’t see the Flash? You could always grab the AVI version.
Posted into:
on June 5 2010 at 19:06
This is more a note to myself than anything else, but just to say commenting on the photo galleries has been disabled for the time being. It was receiving a stupid amount of spam of late (and unlike this blog has little in the way of spam capture so was publishing said spam). Enabling CAPTCHA didn’t seem to help so comments are off until I look into it further.
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