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Originally posted January 23 2011 at 13:01 under General and Friends. 0 Comments. Trackbacks Disabled.

Been To The Pictures


In an effort to get to see more things before they reach the stage of us going “we meant to see that!” Janet and I went to the cinema not once but twice yesterday. Brief reviews follow.

Black Swan

Black Swan is a movie which has award nominations heaped high upon it, especially for its lead, Natalie Portman. I have to say, I have no idea why. The script is weak and it is worth saying that a film all about stuttering (see below) manages to be light years ahead in terms of fluidity. Portman has been praised for her portrayal of the descent into insanity the character undergoes but it is ironic that in a film which takes pains to talk of the difference between controlled perfection (white swan) and the more base and instinctive dancing of the black swan she brings this across in an unintended way. Portman is indeed perfect, but too perfect, white swan throughout, so that we never see the black emerge in her fall. She carries the motions, follows the direction and script but never comes across as feeling and so ultimately leaves us lacking that connection to her madness.

This glassy performance isn’t helped by the already noted stiltedness of the script, an underdeveloped and ill explained mother character (or is it just too clichéd and predictable) and the badly thought out Beth. Plus frankly the scariest thing in this movie was the pink rabbit on Nina’s bedroom windowsill. And that gets shoved down the garbage shoot, which is where those nominations should go too

The King’s Speech

By contrast The King’s Speech, a tale which on paper one might worry would never work, hardly misses a beat, helped along by some wonderful performances. Firth is as good as they say, but is helped along by Rush and the delightful Bonam Carter. It’s a tale that is gentle, with it’s humour light of touch but all the better for it. Perhaps it is that simplicity and lack of attempt at complication that is partly the key to its success. Highly recommended

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This Crazy Fool

Dr Ian Scott
Croydon (and Gateshead), United Kingdom
Bullding Services Engineer (EngDesign), PhD in Physics (University of York), football fanatic (Newcastle United), open source enthusiast (mainly Mozilla)

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