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August 2011

Posts made in August 2011

Two Years Absent

How can it be two years ago since, when it feels like yesterday you held me and kept me from all harm. Still miss you.

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Remember Winter

Seen via something random on this LiveJournal page, this wonderful shot by Andreas Feininger put me in mind of the previously mentioned Lolesworth Street, E1 (Paul Trevor). Posted here mainly to further freak out Jan when she sees it :-)

Remember Winter by Andreas Feininger

Voight Kampff Him

Ridley Scott to make Blade Runner prequel/sequel. This is either the most brilliant news, or the most terrible. I have a horrible suspicion it may be the latter (then again, Blade Runner only became truly great on Ridley’s later tweaking, so we can at least hope, can’t we?)

15 More 365

What Oranges Become

It’s been quite a while (over a year it seems!!) since I posted a baking update (and to be fair, a little while since I baked anything). I did some at the weekend though, turning oranges into a marmalade pudding thing (thanks to a Nigella recipe—my pixie knows what cook books to get me), and into a strange sort of cake thing (the recipe for which basically said throw everything in a bowl and mix together—possibly because it seems to have been typed out by my mother who probably knew what it meant—turned out all right though). It’s made a bit stranger by the fact I couldn’t convince the icing to turn anything like an orange colour (you’d think a mixture of red and yellow food colouring should give you that…)

Marmalade Pudding
Orange Cake


< August 2011 > 

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This Crazy Fool

Dr Ian Scott
Croydon (and Gateshead), United Kingdom
Bullding Services Engineer (EngDesign), PhD in Physics (University of York), football fanatic (Newcastle United), open source enthusiast (mainly Mozilla)

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